Ability to synchronize KeePass files from multiple webdav servers


It is not straightforward to switch between different KeePass files that are located on different servers (and accessed using webdav). One has to change the Webdav configuration each time.

In my case I want to easily access one KeyPass file with my personal passwords on some server and another KeyPass file for some organization I’m part of on some other server.

I think the Webdav configuration should be per file and not global, it could be a nice improvement (unless I am missing something in the configuration).

Thank you in advance for considering this idea.

OS: macos Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)
App: AuthPass (1.9.7+1940) [design.codeux.authpass]
{arch: arm64, model: MacBookPro18,2, hostName: Darwin, osRelease: Version 13.1 (Build 22C65)}