Error Dialog: Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden


I used KeepassX in the past and wanted to open my kdbx-File and the following error occurred. What can I do. I also tried to open a kdbx-file used on my iPhone using KeePassium there and it also didn’t work.

I don’t know which version of kdbx it is. If is lower than 3 how can I convert it, to use it with your app?

title:Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden
content: Unbekannter Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei. KdbxInvalidFileStructure{Unsupported file structure. 0x9aa2d903, 0xb54bfb65}
OS: macos 11.3
App Info: AuthPass (1.9.2+1834) [design.codeux.authpass]}
Device: {arch: x86_64, model: iMac21,1, hostName: Darwin, osRelease: 20.4.0}

Yes, that looks like kdbx 2.x. you can convert using Keepass.

I guess if you open/import with Keepass and save it should at least give you a kdbx 3.