Error Dialog: Error while opening file.24.3.24

So what is the problem?

title:Error while opening file.
content: Unable to open {type: FileSourceCloudStorage, uuid: 01ec046e-11c1-44c9-a9df-cb46ce59f22d, databaseName: PersonalPasswords2024, displayPath: PersonalPasswords2024.kdbx}.
UnexpectedResponseException{status=404,message=Unexpected response from server for post /filecloud/file/retrieve (404)}
OS: android UP1A.231005.007.T220XXU6DWLB
App Info: AuthPass (1.9.10+164) [design.codeux.authpass.fdroid]
Device: {id: UP1A.231005.007, tags: release-keys, type: user, model: SM-T220, board: gta7litewifi, brand: samsung, device: gta7litewifi, product: gta7litewifixx, display: UP1A.231005.007.T220XXU6DWLB, hardware: mt6765, version: {baseOS: , sdkInt: 34, release: 14, codename: REL, incremental: T220XXU6DWLB, previewSdkInt: 0, securityPatch: 2023-12-01}, manufacturer: samsung, isPhysicalDevice: true}