Error Dialog: Unable to open File authpass v1.9.9_1977-1


i’ve exported json from bitwarden
imported into keepass database with keyfile, which works fine.
when i try to open with AuthPass on EndeavourOS, I get this corrupted error.

The database is not corrupt as it opens fine in Keepass v2.54

Can you please advise?


title:Unable to open File
content: Unknown error while trying to open file. KdbxCorruptedFileException{message: }
OS: linux Linux 6.4.12-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:38:14 +0000
App Info: AuthPass (1.9.9+1977) [design.codeux.authpass.linux]
Device: {name: EndeavourOS, version: null}