title:Unable to open File
content: Unknown error while trying to open file. AuthException{code: AuthExceptionCode.userCanceled, message: Cancel}
OS: android RKQ1.200826.002 test-keys
App Info: AuthPass (1.9.4+159) [design.codeux.authpass.fdroid]
Device: {id: RKQ1.200826.002, tags: release-keys, type: user, model: M2101K9AG, board: courbet, brand: Xiaomi, device: courbet, product: courbet_global, display: RKQ1.200826.002 test-keys, hardware: qcom, version: {baseOS: , sdkInt: 30, release: 11, codename: REL, incremental: V12.5.6.0.RKQMIXM, previewSdkInt: 0, securityPatch: 2021-09-01}, manufacturer: Xiaomi, isPhysicalDevice: true}
resolved issue when unchecked box with “save password with biometric key store?”