Provide package for Debian 11

The AuthPass Debian package is only available for Debian version 9 (Stretch). Current stable distribution is version 11.
The installation script advertised here, section “Debian Apt repository”
generates an invalid source list file on my machine since I am using not Debian version 9 and there is no AuthPass release for my Debian version. I manually adapted the generated source list file to point to Debian Stretch, but on my machine with Debian 11 the installation was still not possible. Error was:

dpkg-deb: error: archive ‘/var/cache/apt/archives/AuthPass_1.9.9+1950_amd64.deb’ uses unknown compression for member ‘control.tar.zst’, giving up

This would have been an acceptable workaround for me, but since this is not working I kindly ask to provide a Debian package for current Debian versions too.

I am aware of the fact that there is a Snap and Flatpak version of AuthPass.